Health & Fitness

Spring Fitness Ideas

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Many people are less active in the colder months and begin to think about getting in shape during the spring. A spring fitness plan might be a challenge if you have been indoors for a few months and engaging in mostly sedentary activities, such as watching television. You have a better chance of reaching your fitness goals if you start slowly, chose enjoyable activities and increase your activity as your fitness level improves.

Hula Hooping

Hula hooping is a spring fitness activity that is fun, low-impact and effective. Hooping, which uses hoops weighing about 3 lbs., works all of your major muscle groups during a workout. Hooping strengthens your core muscles in your abdomen, hips, back and pelvis, and improves your fitness for other activities. You can use the hula hoop to warm up for other activities or as a complete aerobic workout. You can hoop at home or find a class at a local gym or community center.


Bicycling gets you outdoors in the spring with a fitness group, family or friends. Your choices include riding your bike in your community or along a familiar trail, or working your way up to touring rides or mountain biking. Bicycling is an aerobic activity that can also strengthen your joints and improve flexibility. Stationary cycling can get in shape for more challenging outdoor bicycling. Bike shops and fitness facilities can help you find classes, groups or biking trails.


Start your spring fitness program with 30- to 60-minute walking sessions four to five times a week. Walking, performed for longer periods, can provide the same benefits as running, according to Tom Labisch and Bob Corby, physical therapists writing for Walking is an aerobic activity with the bone-strengthening benefits of a weight-bearing exercise. Start with 15- to 20-minute walking sessions and increase your time each week by 20 percent. Once you are ready for more of a challenge, try Nordic walking with walking poles for increased cardiovascular benefit.


Running is an aerobic activity that delivers more impact and shock to your bones and joints. Start your spring program by running three times per week. Progress slowly during the first three weeks, which is the time your body requires to adapt to the change in activity, according to Labisch and Corby with Start out with five to 10 minutes of jogging and increase your time each week by about 10 percent. You may choose to run for 20 to 30 minutes three times a week, a schedule that also improves your health and fitness.


Talk to your doctor before starting an exercise program.
