Spring Wreath How To
Hey there! And welcome to our very first How To’s Day linky party!
The first project we thought we’d share is how we made an easy-breezy Spring wreath for our dining room. With March right around the corner, it was high time we replaced the evergreen one we’ve had hanging in there since Christmas.
It was super simple to make, and it was really fun deciding which colors and embellishments we wanted to use. We started with an inexpensive foam wreath form, and some chunky, off-white-colored yarn…
Our wreath form measures 14 inches in diameter, so it did take a little while to completely cover it. (Note: This part will go much faster if you have a second set of hands to help.)
We used hot glue to secure the beginning and end of the yarn, and after that, it was all about adding the embellishments…
After that, we glued on some buttons, and added a spiral of twine to the center of the largest flower. Lastly, we attached some green and white striped ribbon to the top of the wreath so we could hang it on our screen door.
And there ya have it! A fast & fun, Spring wreath how-to!
Have you blogged about a how-to this month? If so, link it up, Buttercup!
If you know the linky party drill, feel free to ease on down, ease on down, the po-host. (name that movie)
If you’ve never linked up to a linky party before, here’s how it works…
1. Scroll down this page until you see the “add your link” button. Click it, and create a super-descriptive name for your link. This will make it easier for folks to browse.
2. Make sure you link to the How-To post you’d like to share- not to the main page of your blog.
3. If you’d like to invite some more peeps to the party, feel free to add this button at the end of your how-to post on your blog. Just copy and paste the code in the box below into the html part of your post, and voila!
Via Theletteredcottage.net
The first project we thought we’d share is how we made an easy-breezy Spring wreath for our dining room. With March right around the corner, it was high time we replaced the evergreen one we’ve had hanging in there since Christmas.
It was super simple to make, and it was really fun deciding which colors and embellishments we wanted to use. We started with an inexpensive foam wreath form, and some chunky, off-white-colored yarn…
Our wreath form measures 14 inches in diameter, so it did take a little while to completely cover it. (Note: This part will go much faster if you have a second set of hands to help.)
We used hot glue to secure the beginning and end of the yarn, and after that, it was all about adding the embellishments…
(The flowers are actually hair barrettes!)
First up- a little twig we found in our backyard. We wrapped it with some fuzzy, moss green-colored yarn, and then hot glued it onto the wreath…After that, we glued on some buttons, and added a spiral of twine to the center of the largest flower. Lastly, we attached some green and white striped ribbon to the top of the wreath so we could hang it on our screen door.
And there ya have it! A fast & fun, Spring wreath how-to!
Have you blogged about a how-to this month? If so, link it up, Buttercup!
If you know the linky party drill, feel free to ease on down, ease on down, the po-host. (name that movie)
If you’ve never linked up to a linky party before, here’s how it works…
1. Scroll down this page until you see the “add your link” button. Click it, and create a super-descriptive name for your link. This will make it easier for folks to browse.
2. Make sure you link to the How-To post you’d like to share- not to the main page of your blog.
3. If you’d like to invite some more peeps to the party, feel free to add this button at the end of your how-to post on your blog. Just copy and paste the code in the box below into the html part of your post, and voila!
Via Theletteredcottage.net
Spring Bouquet
See larger photo
Jump-start the season by making your own colorful blooms with this flower-dyeing project.
- Materials
- White flowers
- Food coloring
- Vase
- Instructions
- Start with white flowers. We found that roses, carnations, and daisies work well. If none are growing in your area, pick some up at your local florist.
- Prepare a colored solution: we used 20 drops of food coloring for each 1/2 cup of warm water.
- Cut the stems to fit your vase, removing at least 2 inches, then set them in the tinted water. You'll start to see results in less than 24 hours.
How it works. Freshly cut flowers continuously draw water up through their stems, as through a straw. When the water reaches the petals, it evaporates through tiny pores, leaving the dye behind (dye cannot evaporate). Over time, it builds up, coloring the tips of the petals.
Paper Plate Bluebird Nest
By: Amanda FormaroDifficulty: Very Easy
Age: 5 and up
Parental supervision is recommended
Celebrate spring with this adorable bluebird nest full of eggs! Can't you just hear her tweeting?Be sure to visit all of our spring, Easter and Mother's Day crafts as well as our spring printables and main spring index.
What you'll need:
- Paper plate
- Felt: light blue, aqua blue, orange, brown, green
- American moss, raffia or Spanish moss
- White craft glue
- Scissors
- Pattern
How to make it:
- Cut out 6 egg shapes from the light blue felt. Glue them in a pile to the paper plate. (See photos.)
- Pipe glue around the eggs in the shape of a nest. (See photos.)
- Add American moss to the glue to create the nest. (See photos.)
- Cut out the bird body from aqua blue felt and the bird's chest from orange from the pattern. Cut out the beak from brown and glue all the pieces together.
- Glue the bird to the nest.
- Cut out branch from brown felt and several leaves from green felt all cut from the pattern. (See photos.)
- Glue the branch to the right side of the paper plate and add some leaves.
- Add a couple leaves and a small branch to the left side of the plate as well.
- Felt is inexpensive and perfect for a large variety of projects, be sure to keep plenty on hand.
- American moss and Spanish moss are available at your local craft store.
- Add a fun phrase to the top of your plate such as "Welcome Spring" and glue a piece of yarn to the back to hang it up!